

Arachnid Orchestra. Jam Sessions

NTU CCA Singapore Brochure

Background Credits

Cygnus A

Tomás Saraceno, Hybrid musical instrument Cygnus A: built by a solitary spider Nephila Kenianensis and two semi-social spiders Cyrtophora citricola (2014) Courtesy of the artist; Esther Schipper Gallery, Berlin; Andersen's Contemporary, Copenhagen; Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York; Pinksummer contemporary art, Genoa. Photography by Studio Tomás Saraceno

NGC 613

Tomás Saraceno, Hybrid semi-social solitary musical instrument NGC 613: built by a pair of Cyrtophora moluccensis, one day, one Cyrtophora cirticola, three weeks and one Agelena labirintica, six weeks (2014) Courtesy of the artist; Esther Schipper Gallery, Berlin; Andersen's Contemporary, Copenhagen; Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York; Pinksummer contemporary art, Genoa. Photography by Studio Tomás Saraceno


Tomás Saraceno, Hybrid solitary semi-social semi-social musical instrument Indus: built by one Nephila clavipes, three weeks, a small colony of Linyphiidae frontinellina, four months and six Cyrtophora citricola spiderlings, four weeks (2014) Courtesy of the artist; Esther Schipper Gallery, Berlin; Andersen's Contemporary, Copenhagen; Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York; Pinksummer contemporary art, Genoa. Photography by Studio Tomás Saraceno

Arp 107

Tomás Saraceno, Social, solitary, solitary musical instrument Arp 107: built by a pair of Stegodyphus dumicola, three weeks, one Steatoda grossa, six weeks and two young Tegenaria domestica, eight weeks (2014) Courtesy of the artist; Esther Schipper Gallery, Berlin; Andersen's Contemporary, Copenhagen; Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York; Pinksummer contemporary art, Genoa. Photography by Studio Tomás Saraceno

HDF 4-473.0

Tomás Saraceno, Hybrid solitary, semi social musical instrument HDF 4-473.0: built by one Nephila clavipes-four weeks and a pair of Cyrtophora citricola-seven weeks (2015) Courtesy of the artist; Esther Schipper Gallery, Berlin; Andersen's Contemporary, Copenhagen; Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York; Pinksummer contemporary art, Genoa. Photography by Studio Tomás Saraceno


Tomás Saraceno, Semi social musical instrument SXDF-NB1006-2: built by four Cyrtophora citricola, eight weeks (2015) Courtesy of the artist; Esther Schipper Gallery, Berlin; Andersen's Contemporary, Copenhagen; Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York; Pinksummer contemporary art, Genoa. Photography by Studio Tomás Saraceno


Tomás Saraceno, Semi social musical instrument SXDF-NB1006-2: built by four Cyrtophora citricola, eight weeks (2015) Courtesy of the artist; Esther Schipper Gallery, Berlin; Andersen's Contemporary, Copenhagen; Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York; Pinksummer contemporary art, Genoa. Photography by Studio Tomás Saraceno


Tomás Saraceno, Semi social musical instrument SXDF-NB1006-2: built by four Cyrtophora citricola, eight weeks (2015) Courtesy of the artist; Esther Schipper Gallery, Berlin; Andersen's Contemporary, Copenhagen; Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York; Pinksummer contemporary art, Genoa. Photography by Studio Tomás Saraceno


Tomás Saraceno, Semi social musical instrument SXDF-NB1006-2: built by four Cyrtophora citricola, eight weeks (2015) Courtesy of the artist; Esther Schipper Gallery, Berlin; Andersen's Contemporary, Copenhagen; Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York; Pinksummer contemporary art, Genoa. Photography by Studio Tomás Saraceno


Tomás Saraceno, Semi social musical instrument SXDF-NB1006-2: built by four Cyrtophora citricola, eight weeks (2015) Courtesy of the artist; Esther Schipper Gallery, Berlin; Andersen's Contemporary, Copenhagen; Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York; Pinksummer contemporary art, Genoa. Photography by Studio Tomás Saraceno


Tomás Saraceno, Hybrid solitary, semi social musical instrument SSA22-HCM1: built by one Nephila clavipes-three weeks and three Cyrtophora citricola-ten weeks (2015) Courtesy of the artist; Esther Schipper Gallery, Berlin; Andersen's Contemporary, Copenhagen; Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York; Pinksummer contemporary art, Genoa. Photography by Studio Tomás Saraceno


Tomás Saraceno, Hybrid solitary, semi social musical instrument SSA22-HCM1: built by one Nephila clavipes-three weeks and three Cyrtophora citricola-ten weeks (2015) Courtesy of the artist; Esther Schipper Gallery, Berlin; Andersen's Contemporary, Copenhagen; Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York; Pinksummer contemporary art, Genoa. Photography by Studio Tomás Saraceno

ESO 137-001

Tomás Saraceno, Hybrid solitary, semi social instrument ESO 137-001: built by one Nephila kenianensis-one week and a pair of Cyrtophora citricola-four weeks (2015) Courtesy of the artist; Esther Schipper Gallery, Berlin; Andersen's Contemporary, Copenhagen; Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York; Pinksummer contemporary art, Genoa. Photography by Studio Tomás Saraceno

A Manifesto for Animal Politics [B.Massumi]

Sonogram of a Peacock Spider

Sonogram of a Peacock Spider drumming (2015). Courtesy of David Rothenberg

Jumping Spider

A portrait of a jumping spider of the family Salticidae (2010). Courtesy of Peter Jäger

Spider Denoized [D.Rothenberg]

David Rothenberg, Spider Denoized (2015). This work was especially produced for Arachnid Orchestra. Jam Sessions. For further information please contact the author:

The Drumming Peacock Spider [D.Rothenberg]

14 Billions

Tomás Saraceno, 14 Billions (working title) at Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm (2010). Courtesy of the artist

Three Propositions [E.Manning]

Captured by Airplane

B.R. Coad. 1931. ‘Insects Captured by Airplane Are Found at Surprising Heights.’ In Yearbook of Agriculture. Washington D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 322. Courtesy of Hugh Raffles

Up, Up and Away [H.Raffles]

The Spider 1, Instrumentality [D.Lukic]

Quiet Listening [P.Hill]


Roads, Curtis. 2001. Microsound. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. 5

Infinite Spider & I

Snapshot of Brian Eno's Spider & I on Echo Nest's Infinite Jukebox (2015). Courtesy of Stefan Helmreich

Spider DJs [S.Helmreich]

Stegodyphus mimosarum

Stegodyphus mimosarum nest in South Africa (2014). Courtesy of Yael Lubin

Beyond Science and Art [Y.Lubin]

Stegodyphus dumicola

Stegodyphus dumicola nest in South Africa (2001). Courtesy of Yael Lubin

Compositional Webs [Y.Lubin]

Latrodectus mactans

Scanning of a Latrodectus mactans (Black Widow) at TU-Darmstadt (2010), detail of web spirals. Courtesy of the artist

Away . We . Go . [E. Turpin]

The Essence of Research about Spiders [R.Matta]


Tomás Saraceno, Aeolic instrument for a lighter-than-air ensemble (2015). Courtesy of the artist

Beat displacement

Test set-up to detect drumming using laser vibrometer (2015). Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno


Piezo feeler attached to a Steatoda dwarf web (2014). Courtesy of Studio Tomás Saraceno.

Performance of a Wolf spider quartet

Percussion performance of a Wolf spider (Lycosidae) quartet, video still (2015). Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno

Rehearsal of a Wolf spider

Rehearsal of a Wolf spider (Lycosidae) drumming recorded on high-speed camera (2015) Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno


Spiderweb sonification experiments, in collaboration with Dr. Roland Mü˜hlethaler at Studio Tomás Saraceno (2014). Courtesy of Studio Tomás Saraceno

Jam session: Evan Ziporyn

Spider Salon: Jam session with Evan Ziporyn on Drum-set M33 NGC 598 for a Lycosidae quintet (2015). Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno.


Test set-up to detect vibrational communication using Piezo elements (2015). Courtesy of Studio Tomás Saraceno

Double bass

Studio recording of wolf spiders (Lycosidae) performance with laser vibrometer (2015). In collaboration with Dr. Roland Mü˜hlethaler and Dustin Jaschko, research student. Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno


Reco-reco NGC 5128 for Steatoda grossa, 2015. Eight Piezo microphones, membrane, amplifier. In collaboration with Dr. Roland Mühlethaler. Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno

Jam session: Evan Ziporyn with Cyrtophora citricola

Spider Salon: Jam session with Evan Ziporyn with Cyrtophora citricola duet on Semi-social musical instrument SXDF-NB1006-2: built by four Cyrtophora citricola, eight weeks (2015). Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno.


Test Set-up to detect drumming using Laser Vibrometer (2015). Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno


Common Huntsman Spider rehearsing with Wolf Spider duet on Drum-set M33, NGC 598 (2015). In collaboration with Dr. Roland Mülethaler. Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno

Percussion Instruments [NTU CCA]

Recording of a Common Huntsman Spider

Recording of a Common Huntsman Spider (H. venatoria) drumming (2015). Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno.

Blast beats

Common Huntsman Spider rehearsing with Wolf Spider duet on Drum-set M33, NGC 598 (2015). In collaboration with Dr. Roland Mühlethaler. Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno


Tomás Saraceno, Psechrus singaporensis touching a piezo feeler on ‘Hybrid web-instrument prototype’ (2015), commissioned by NTU Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore. Recording by Yong Rong Zhao. Courtesy of Joseph Koh.

String Instruments [NTU CCA]


Spiderweb sonification experiments, in collaboration with Dr. Roland Mü˜hlethaler at Studio Tomás Saraceno (2014). Courtesy of Studio Tomás Saraceno

Cosmological constant

Spiderweb sonification experiments, in collaboration with Dr. Roland Mü˜hlethaler at Studio Tomás Saraceno (2014). Courtesy of Studio Tomás Saraceno

Impressions [P.Weir]


Sonification Experiments with Floating Spider Silk. In collaboration with Odysseus Klisouras, Studio Tomás Saraceno (2015). Courtesy of the artist.


Test set-up to detect vibrational communication using Piezo elements (2015). Courtesy of Studio Tomás Saraceno.

Spinor field

Semi-social Nephila web plucking on Semi-social musical instrument SXDF-NB1006-2: built by four Cyrtophora citricola, eight weeks (2015). Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno.

Psi meson

Tomás Saraceno, Hybrid solitary, semi-social instrument ESO 137-001: built by one Nephila kenianesis, one week and a pair of Cyrtophora citricola, four weeks (2015). Courtesy of the artist.


Sonification Experiments with Floating Spider Silk. In collaboration with Odysseus Klisouras, Studio Tomás Saraceno (2015). Courtesy of the artist.


Measurement of the potential difference of the electric field produced by the movement of a spider silk from Stegodyphus dumicola in an air channel. In collaboration with Jo Grys. Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno.


Measurement of the potential difference of the electric field produced by the movement of a spider silk from Stegodyphus dumicola in an air channel. In collaboration with Jo Grys. Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno.

Aeolic Instrument [NTU CCA]

Spiders & I

Jam session

Spider Salon: Jam session with Evan Ziporyn with Cyrtophora citricola duet on Semi-social musical instrument SXDF-NB1006-2: built by four Cyrtophora citricola, eight weeks (2015). Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno.

Ute Meta Bauer

Spider Salon with Ute Meta Bauer in preparation of the exhibition Arachnid Orchestra. Jam Sessions at NTU CCA Singapore (2015). Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno.


Spider Salon: Jam session with Evan Ziporyn on Drum-set M33 NGC 598 for a Lycosidae quintet (2015). Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno.


Spider Salon: Jam session with Evan Ziporyn with Cyrtophora citricola duet on Semi-social musical instrument SXDF-NB1006-2: built by four Cyrtophora citricola, eight weeks (2015). Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno.

Interspecific communication

Spider Salon with Ute Meta Bauer in preparation of the exhibition Arachnid Orchestra. Jam Sessions at NTU CCA Singapore (2015). Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno.


Spider Salon with Ute Meta Bauer in preparation of the exhibition Arachnid Orchestra. Jam Sessions at NTU CCA Singapore (2015). Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno.

Basso continuo

Studio rehearsals for Arachnid Orchestra. Jam Sessions, NTU CCA Singapore (2015). Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno.


Studio rehearsals for Arachnid Orchestra. Jam Sessions, NTU CCA Singapore (2015). Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno.


Studio rehearsals for Arachnid Orchestra. Jam Sessions, NTU CCA Singapore (2015). Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno.


Studio rehearsals for Arachnid Orchestra. Jam Sessions, NTU CCA Singapore (2015). Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno.


Tomás Saraceno, Spider Lab at NTU CCA Singapore (2015). Courtesy of NTU CCA Singapore.


Tomás Saraceno, Spider Lab at NTU CCA Singapore (2015). Courtesy of NTU CCA Singapore.


Spider Salon with Friedrich G. Barth in preparation of the exhibition Arachnid Orchestra. Jam Sessions at NTU CCA Singapore (2015). Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno.


Spider Salon with Friedrich G. Barth in preparation of the exhibition Arachnid Orchestra. Jam Sessions at NTU CCA Singapore (2015). Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno.


Tomás Saraceno, Spider Lab at NTU CCA Singapore (2015). Courtesy of NTU CCA Singapore.

Common Huntsman Spider

Common Huntsman Spider (H. venatoria) rehearsing (2015). In collaboration with Dr. Roland Mühlenthaler. Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno


Heteropoda venatoria male, dorsal habitus (2015). Courtesy of Peter Jäger


Psechrus singaporensis. Courtesy of Joanna M.L. Yeo.


Scanning Electron Microscope picture of the trichobothria marked with T (2005). Courtesy of Peter Jäger

Spider Sessions

Tomás Saraceno, Cyrtophora citricola quintet rehearsing on Steatoda Virgo cluster & Tegenaria atrica on ˜Hybrid web-instrument NGC 5195: Messier 51b (2014). Recorded with a laser vibrometer pointed at the Cyrtophora web, in collaboration with Dr. Roland Mühlethaler Courtesy of Studio Tomás Saraceno


Heteropoda tetrica, waving male in front showing the elongated setae in the second leg acting as air paddle (2015). Courtesy of Peter Jäger


Heteropoda tetrica couple (male on top) during copulation, frontal view (2015). Courtesy of Peter Jäger


Tomás Saraceno, Psechrus singaporensis touching a piezo feeler on ‘Hybrid web-instrument prototype’ (2015), commissioned by NTU Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore. Recording by Yong Rong Zhao. Courtesy of Joseph Koh.

Heteropoda venatoria [P.Jäger]

Cytophora citricola [Y-Lubin]

Tropical Tent-Web Spider

Expedition to the Arava Valley, Israel, Cytophora citricola colony in Acacia tree (2015). Courtesy of Iris Musli

Recording of a Nephila keniensis

Tomás Saraceno, Recording of a Nephila keniensis building its web (2015). Recorded with a piezo feeler attached to the Nephila web, in collaboration with Dr. Roland Mühlethaler. Courtesy of Studio Tomás Saraceno.

Nephila pilipes

Giant Golden Orb Weaver [J.K.H.Koh]

Nephila pilipes (Fabricius 1793). Courtesy of Joanna Yeo.


Psechrus singaporensis. Courtesy of Joanna M.L. Yeo.

Psechrus singaporensis [J.K.H.Koh]


Bani Haykal

Brian O'Reilly

Friedrich G. Barth

Joyce Beetuan Koh

When Species Meet [D.Haraway]

Meeting the Universe Halfway [K.Barad]

A Note on Anthropomorphism [J.Bennett]

Aeronautical Spiders [C.Darwin]

The Art of Noise [L.Russolo]

The Gossamer Spider [G.Lincecum]

The Spider Book [J.H.Comstock]


Artikulation [G.Ligeti]

György Ligeti, Artikulation (1958)

Apparitions [G.Ligeti]

György Ligeti, Apparitions (1958-59)

Ramifications [G.Ligeti]

György Ligeti, Ramifications (1968-69)

Circumnavigating the Globe [P.A.Glick]

Insect Drummers [R.Mühlethaler & H.Hoch]

Agallia brachyptera [F.Ossiannilsson]

Frej Ossiannilsson, Insect Drummers (1949). Courtesy of Entomological Society of Lund, Sweden

Some Experiments in Art and Politics [B.Latour]

Some Experiments in Art and Politics was originally published in e-flux journal no. 23 (March 2011)

Golden Web

Tomás Saraceno, expedition at the Central Catchment Nature Reserve (Macritchie), Singapore; May 2015. Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno, 2015.


Tomás Saraceno, expedition at the Central Catchment Nature Reserve (Macritchie), Singapore; May 2015. Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno, 2015.


Tomás Saraceno, expedition at the Central Catchment Nature Reserve (Macritchie), Singapore; May 2015. Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno, 2015.

Curved Spiny

Tomás Saraceno, night expedition at the Central Catchment Nature Reserve (Macritchie), Singapore; May 2015. Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno, 2015.

Brown Sailor

Tomás Saraceno, expedition at the Central Catchment Nature Reserve (Macritchie), Singapore; May 2015. Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno, 2015.


Tomás Saraceno, expedition at the Central Catchment Nature Reserve (Macritchie), Singapore; May 2015. Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno, 2015.

Scarlet Acusilas

Tomás Saraceno, expedition at the Central Catchment Nature Reserve (Macritchie), Singapore; May 2015. Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno, 2015.

Flat Anepsion

Tomás Saraceno, expedition at the Central Catchment Nature Reserve (Macritchie), Singapore; May 2015. Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno, 2015.

Red Tent

Tomás Saraceno, expedition at the Central Catchment Nature Reserve (Macritchie), Singapore; May 2015. Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno, 2015.

Spotted Ground

Tomás Saraceno, expedition at the Central Catchment Nature Reserve (Macritchie), Singapore; May 2015. Courtesy Studio Tomás Saraceno, 2015.

Magellanic Cloud

Tomás Saraceno, Semi-social musical instrument Small Magellanic Cloud: built by Cyrtophora citricola (2014) Courtesy of the artist, Pinksummer, Andersen Contemporary, Esther Schipper, Tanya Bonakdar Gallery.

Spider Sessions

Tomás Saraceno, Performances by: Cyrtophora citricola quintet on Steatoda dwarf elliptical & Jupiter Nephila kenianensis on Hybrid web-instrument NGC 6514: Trifid (2014). On the occasion of Tomás Saraceno, Cosmic Jive: The Spider Sessions at Museo d'Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce, curated by Ilaria Bonacossa and Luca Cerizza. Courtesy of the artist


Scanning of a Latrodectus mactans (Black Widow) at TU-Darmstadt (2010). Courtesy of the artist


Tomás Saraceno, Performances of Cyrtophora citricola quintet on Steatoda virgo cluster & Tegenaria atrica on ‘Hybrid web-instrument NGC 5195: Messier 51b (2014) at “A Matter Theatre: Practice/Wonder” at The Anthropocene Project, at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, 2014. With Molly Nesbit of the Department of Art, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY. Photography by Sebastian Bolesch

Villa Croce

Spiderweb sonification experiments with Nephila kenianensis, Studio Tomás Saraceno (2014). Courtesy of the artist

Cosmic Jive

Spiderweb sonification experiments with Nephila kenianensis, Studio Tomás Saraceno (2014). Courtesy of the artist


Spiderweb sonification experiments at Studio Tomás Saraceno (2015). Courtesy of the artist


Spiderweb sonification experiments, in collaboration with Dr. Roland Mü˜hlethaler at Studio Tomás Saraceno (2014). Courtesy of the artist


Tomás Saraceno, Performances of Cyrtophora citricola quintet on Steatoda virgo cluster & Tegenaria atrica on ‘Hybrid web-instrument NGC 5195: Messier 51b (2014) at “A Matter Theatre: Practice/Wonder” at The Anthropocene Project, at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, 2014. With Molly Nesbit of the Department of Art, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY. Photography by Sebastian Bolesch

Hybrid Cosmic Webs [E.Schipper Gallery]


Tomás Saraceno, 110 pairs of stereoscopic-photogrammetric images transfered to 3-D data (2010) Courtesy of the artist


Tomás Saraceno, 110 pairs of stereoscopic-photogrammetric images transfered to 3-D data (2010) Courtesy of the artist


Seeing through [14 billions]

Quasar 4

Tomás Saraceno, Quasar 4 Stromatopelma - Parasteatoda (working title) (2013). Courtesy of the artist and Esther Schipper Gallery, Berlin.

Millenium Simulation

Volker Springel, Millenium Simulation (2005) Courtesy of Max Plank Institute


Tomás Saraceno, Social .. Quasi Social .. Solitary .. Spiders ... On Hybrid Cosmic Webs, Installation view (2013). Courtesy of the artist and Esther Schipper Gallery, Berlin. Photography by Andrea Rossetti


Spider Salon

Arachnid Orchestra
